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News : Toehider wrap up '12 in 12' project

By on April 29, 2010

As we’ve previously mentioned, Melbourne’s quirky prog rockers Toehider have finished their 12th EP in 12 months and have released a horde of post-adventure announcements and ramblings which you can find via their forum over at the fantastic Ozprog, or on their Facebook page which is listed below. The band have also announced a 2-disc set titled ‘The First Six” which, unsurprisingly, features the first 6 EPs released. The ‘Children of the Sun’ EP, due to legal reasons, isn’t included however the original ‘Toehider’ EP is there instead. You can purchase it via their online store at

Make sure you catch the band at their show this Saturday 1st of May at the Central Club (VIC), where they’ll be playing a longer 50 minute set and generally celebrating it all. All of the shows details are on it’s Facebook event page.

To top things off, we had a quick Q&A with the main man behind the project, Mike Mills:

MO: What were your thoughts when starting the 12in12 project? How optimistic were you?

Michael Mills: I didn’t really know what to expect. I just went into it blindly, I didn’t plan anything. I felt pressure, but the cool kind of pressure that motivates you. Plus I thought it’d be a great gimmick to get people to notice me haha.

MO: Looking back on it now, did it go as you had predicted?

MM: I suppose so. I think there’s some trainwreck moments, but for the most part I’m proud of all of it.

MO: Favourite and least favourite EPs? Why?

MM: Favourite is always the most recent one, so “Done and Dusted” at the moment. Least favourite I guess is “9” or something. It’s alright I guess, I don’t think I’m too great when it comes to writing chilled out spacey music.

MO: Were any of the styles/genres covered in the project a completely new area for you, or were they all ones that have influenced you over the years?

MM: The latter. It’s a lame/cliched thing to say, but I really do listen to heaps of different music, and I’m more than happy to embrace it all.

MO: Did any of the EPs come together suprisingly quickly, or were you pushed for time with each one?

MM: Some did, the “In All Honesty” album came together very quickly, whereas “Do You Believe in Monsters?” seemed to go in circles, and I was still recording on the day of the release!

MO: Were there any ideas/genres that you would have liked to explore but didn’t get a chance?

MM: Heaps! Opera, dirty 70’s funk, surf guitar, nu-prog… no jazz though. I’m clueless when it comes to jazz.

MO: Can we ever expect to hear anything like Counterquistle again? Perhaps a sequel?

MM: Maybe. I’d love to do some sort of animated feature in that kind of style, haven’t got any concrete plans or ideas though.

MO: Speaking of Counterquistle; what’s a cowbox?

MM: It’s a box under my bed that’s decorated with cowspots. I keep a needle and thread in it. Although I am no good at sewing.

MO: Any particular highlights or lowlights of the whole adventure?

MM: Lowlight would definitely be when I got sick and lost my voice. Highlights are many! Hearing people sing along loudly to “But Mostly Metal” at the Corner blew my mind!

MO: How the hell did you come up with so many different lyrical ideas in such short amounts of time?

MM: I don’t really know, there’s always something fun or stupid or sad or awesome or fucked up to write about!

MO: Can fans expect anything special for the May 1st, to celebrate the end of the project?

MM: They can expect rock AND roll. So many bands know how to do one but not the other…

MO: So, what next for Toehider?

MM: Not sure! The immediate future just involves me becoming a shameless self-promoter. I’ve always sucked in that area so I’m going to force myself to get in people’s faces!!


Mitch Booth is the owner, designer and grand overlord of Metal Obsession. In the few seconds of spare time he has outside of this site, he also hosts a metal radio show over on PBS 106.7fm in Melbourne (Australia) and organises shows under the name Untitled Touring. You should follow him on Twitter.