News : Toehider complete 12th EP in 12 months
Melbourne’s oh-so quirky Toehider has completed it’s 12 in 12 project, releasing a whopping 12 EPs in 12 months, ranging in genres including classic heavy metal, prog rock, ambient, Christmas songs, and 70’s rock, with the 12th EP featuring a single 18 minute prog epic. Almost every track recorded can be heard on the website, and each EP can be purchased for a measly $6, a bargain no matter what way you look at it. You can read our review of Toehider’s first EP (released prior to the 12 in 12 project), right over here.
Looking back on things, Mike Mills (the one man behind it all) has posted the following 12 interesting facts about the project:
“It would be stupid and lame for me to claim that everything this past year is golden and awesome, but what I will say at least, is that everything felt right at the time. Have you ever said something you regretted? haha, nah me neither.
12 facts about 12 EPs in 12 months
- The “12 EPs in 12 months” occupies 67.4 GB of my hard drive. Which I guess is roughly 1 GB per song.
- The website stats tell me that ‘popularity’ peaked around November/December, when Australian Idol host Andrew Gunsberg started tweeting about it. That dude is seriously the most badass guy on Australian television.
- My favourite song is probably still “I Must Say Yes” or “Under the Mistletoe”. My least favourite is “Give Myself to Science”. That song is a load of rubbish, that’s the only time when I didn’t feel right about releasing a song.
- I still have loads of song ideas laying around, but most of them probably aren’t worth persuing.
- Shortest song is ‘Jem and the Holograms’ at 0:42, the longest, obviously “Done and Dusted” at 18:59.
- The honest truth is that I was going to give the Christmas album away for free anyway, but as it turned out I was sick as a dog, at one point losing my voice completely, and I didn’t have it done by the 12th. This fact bums me out like you wouldn’t believe, and acted like an arsehole on the night of the Espy gig (which was on the 12th of December). I’d like to apologise to Lachlan, Amy and Ricky, and all those that were in attendance for being such a diva that night.
- Excluding the drums for “Old, Old, Old” and ‘Done and Dusted”, the guitars for “Not Much of a Man” and Lachlan’s solos for “…But Mostly Metal” and “Done and Dusted”, the whole thing was recorded in this mess –
the “studio”.
- I electronically tuned my voice to save time on a few occasions. Yeah, I know, I know. Specifically, those songs were – one note of “Now Fly Away”, “So Goddamn Alive” (which I wanted that T-Pain effect anyway), the first verse of “I Kill Me”, “I Don’t Really Know You That Well Yet”, and a small portion of “Malcolm, Dust ’em”.
- My favourite of Salty’s artwork are “Metaltarsus” and “9”. My least favourite is probably “In All Honesty”. My favourite of the comic pieces are the “Toemaster 5000” and “Tonan the Barbarian”, my least favourite is the comic from “Do You Believe in Monsters?”
- The track “…” was used in a short film called “OMG!”. The track “Cadenza” was used in a film called “Kerberos”.
- I haven’t yet reached my “hundred vocal overdubs!” goal. I will. Someday.
- I usually have to get Lachlan to re-teach me my songs for when we play them live, I have a terrible memory for this stuff.”